Few More Online Contests:Ladduladdu,Y.M.I,Neosports,Outlander
Now here i am giving you few more contests running on internet.Ladduladdu Contest Win Prizes worth Rs.21000:While listening radio mirchi i heared about this contest this contest is about the ladduladdu album by Sarth music need to download their album for that you have to pay Rs.21/- After you done your download you will receive your lucky number with the album and you need to give answer of simple question given Here.
Yeh Mera India Contests:Y.M.I is the movie by Jayantilal Gada which is realising on 28 of this month in this contest you need to tell ""What is the biggest issue plaguing India in today's time & how can it be tackled"? And two best writeup will win exciting prizes visit contest page for more info.you can also win Y.M.I Audio CD's by playing trivia of simple 5 questions on the same contest page
Weekend Kick Off Challenge:Answer a simple question in connection with the 'Bundesliga' answer it correctly and win LG mobile phones and branded football merchandise from Neo Sports And lucky winners will get a chance to fly to Germany to watch a Bundesliga game – live!so just check out contest page.
Outlander Contest:this time Buzz 18 is come up with the contest for movie Outlander in this contest you need watch the promo video givin there & wriup on that event most interesting entries will win Ipods or movie tickets check out contest page for participation
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