Bolmol:Cheat For Game"Jodi Banao" Win MP3 Audio CD
This cheat is shared by Blog reader(not revealing name becoz of privacy) by mail so i am sharing here with all.This is cheat for game jodi banao game in which you can win prize as MP3 Audio Cd.Cheat For Game Jodi Banao:As you know i have posted cheats for other games on this is cheat for game jodi banao. this is same as the cheat for game 10 ki will surely win the game you can win the game everyday and any number of players who mach the score (6 is the maximum possible score) will win the prize.when your submit score option will come then switch on your tamper data and you will see some thing like this
when this appears in tamper data ZXCVB=my id&QWERTY=my id&ASDFG=winning score
to win the game you have to copy ZXCVB=and paste it in the place ofQWERTY= and then paste 44b67114f3fb7de252d2a16e21530675718 in place of ASDFG= In this way you can win easily.
3 Responses to Bolmol:Cheat For Game"Jodi Banao" Win MP3 Audio CD
I cant understand whats it.......??
it's cheat for bolmol game.To use this you must know about datatampering
Has anyone got prizes from bolmol delivered to ur home??
Do u have trust that it is not scam...
Something to say?