
HotPrints allows users to create professional looking custom photobooks online from Facebook and Bebo, usually the service allows you to get the printed book for $2.99 + shipping but they have now teamed up with advertisers allowing them to distribute free photo books in lieu of advertisements; but don’t worry as the ads will NOT be on the same pages as your photos and all advertisements will be easily removable full page inserts from reputed brands.

So it's really simple to get your free printed Photobook.Login To Your Facebook Account & Add apps.facebook.com/hotprints/ this application to your profile.Then add your photo to the book you can customize your photos Once you have all done you will receive your Photo book for free.

Alternately you can visit their website hotprints.com/ And click on Make Your own Hotbook that is linked to facebook application and to the above procedure to get your free printed photobook.

Thank you Aditya For sharing this type of stuff with Us.

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