Laureate's research-based programs combine the latest linguistic theory and research with years of clinical experience, superior instructional design, digital speech, engaging graphics, and amusing animation. They are noted for their integrity and effectiveness in clinical settings. Over the years, Laureate has received national recognition and many awards, including those from the Council for Exceptional Children, Johns Hopkins National Search, and the Software Publishers Association.

Free Catalog
Catalog gives detailed descriptions of over 45 integrated programs in the areas of language development, cognitive processing, reading, speech/voice training, and instructional games. Programs are available on Mac/Win CDs. You'll also find their Linguistic Hierarchy Chart which outlines seven stages of language development from birth to adulthood. This chart gives language characteristics and training goals for each stage and will help you choose appropriate software.

Free Demo Cd
FREE Syntax Assessment CDWe've created this demo to help you choose the programs you need. You'll find an overview of Laureate's seven-stage Linguistic Hierarchy with software suggestions for each stage. The CD includes 17 interactive demos of Laureate Software, including 12 Sterling Edition programs

FREE Syntax Assessment CD
Laureate is now offering a FREE Syntax Tests CD to help professionals and parents assess 33 basic grammatical forms essential to sentence comprehension and production. Built-in reports can help you determine whether a student could benefit from two of Laureate's programs.

I have ordered all these material for my small brother.You can also request your material for your childrens,brothers,sisters or neighbors.So just give try for it Request your free Material from here laureatelearning.com/customer-service/request.php.

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